Create The Foundation
- Branding
- Magic with no money
- Designing your lifestyle
- Continuous innovation
- 1 Symphony group session
Includes: Downloadable audio .m4a files
Also available in: Italiano, PУССКИЙ, СРПСКИ and TÜRKÇE
€133.00 inc. VAT
Includes: Downloadable audio .m4a files
Also available in: Italiano, PУССКИЙ, СРПСКИ and TÜRKÇE
Climbing Mount Everest is not done in 3 days!
Creating, generating and instituting a business is one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom, fulfillment, and positive impact in the world simultaneously.
This tele call series is for you that:
This class will help you create your vision, purpose and core values. Can you imagine them 5 years from now, 10 years from now, 50 years from now? We’ll do it together!
This is part 2 of the full tele call series ‘Your business is your inspiration’. This second part includes 3 sessions/calls about your next steps with you and your business, covering topics as: