how to become money, online course, dece,ber 2020, vladiica djordjevic

Online evening class

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About The Events


Regardless of your current financial situation, wealth and abundance are possible and guess what – YOU are the source of creating it!


In this 10 day program we will work with one chapter from the How to become Money Workbook
each day with questions and clearings to eradicate limitations + hundreds of tools to create and have money.

What would it take to have fun and change the money game – in your favour?
What if you were willing to receive unlimited amounts of money – now?

You will receive:
1. 10 hours of money coaching with clearings
2. Creation exercise
3. Symphony of Possibilities Session at the end of each class day
4. Tools and techniques for instant actualisation
5. Recordings of the full class


Ne glede na vašo trenutno finančno situacijo, bogastvo in obilje sta mogoča in ne boste verjeli – VI ste vir da to ustvarite!

Ste radovedni….?

Na tem 10 dnevnem programu bomo vsak dan delali na enem poglavju iz delovnega zvezka Kako postati denar.
Vprašanja in izreki, da izkoreninimo omejitve, ter stotine orodij za kreacijo in imeti denar.

Kaj bi bilo potrebno da se zabavamo in spremenimo denarno igro – v vaš prid?

Kaj če bi bili voljni prejeti neskončne količine denarja – sedaj?

Kaj boste prejeli od tega 10 dnevnega programa:
1. 10 ur Denarnega opolnomočanja z izreki
2. Vaje kreiranja
3. Seanse simfonije možnosti na koncu vsakega seminarja – torej kar 10x
4. Orodja in tehnike za takojšnjo aktualizacijo
5. Posnetke

You can buy the HOW TO BECOME MONEY workbook here / Delovne zvezek Kako postati denar je na voljo tukaj: to Become Money Workbook by Gary Douglas